In the words of a former Scoutmaster, “We can’t say we’re the best for every boy, but of the Troops in Plano, we are among the top three or four. Only you or your son can decide if we are right for your family.” Our approach is by the book, but compassionate. The boys set the program, but they have a great deal of adult support to make their efforts the best they can be.

Several of our programs each year are the envy of other Troops and others model their efforts after ours. Our culture is passed down from year to year — the boys have a lot of fun, but we are more safety conscious than many Troops — no playing with sticks, stones, fire or knives — and we mean it — the boys enforce this.
We don’t tolerate bullying and we teach respect for the differences among us. We are generally very well behaved and quiet. When you see many Troops gathered at a Camporee, Summer Camp or other multi-troop program, we will be a Troop that stands out among the others: lined up, hiking single file, prepared with what we need right now and in an emergency. Oh, we have the coolest Troop hats!
That may not tell you a lot until you experience the differences between Troops. Regardless of which Troop you choose, we hope that you will choose Scouting for your son — as it is a great program and one which history shows it has made a difference in the lives of millions worldwide including those with anxiety.
T1000: Quick Facts
- Troop meetings: Mondays at 7:30 pm. (Patrol Leaders Council meets once a month. Only leaders need to attend.) See Calendar for schedule.
- Where: Resurrection Lutheran Church, 1919 Independence Pkwy, Plano, 75075.
- Campouts: Typically once a month. Refer to Calendar.
- Special campouts: We do a Spring Break campout and a week-long Summer Camp that changes locations every year. Winter Camp is also a popular destination when available. We plan a High-Adventure trek every other year to Philmont or another location as the Scouts decide.
More about T1000
- Meet our adult advisors.
- Troop Organization: Roles, responsibilities, and glossary.
- Troop Meetings and Themes: Overview of Program schedule.
- Fees and Dues: Overview of costs and Scout bin accounts.
- NEW – Our Troop Store: Troop fees, dues, camping costs, and clothes closet payment site
What you’ll find on this page:
Our Local Council: Circle Ten
Of course, it would be nearly impossible to administer directly the more than 50,000 registered BSA troops from a centrally-located national office. To achieve this, the National Council issues a charter to each local council. The United States and its territories are divided into more than 300 local councils. Each council has a headquarters city from which it administers the Scouting program within its geographical boundaries.
Like the National Council, each local council is led by volunteers, with administration performed by a staff of professional Scouters. The council president is the top volunteer, and the Scout Executive is the top professional.
The local council for Troop 1000 is Circle Ten. The council’s responsibilities include:
- Granting charters to community organizations.
- Promoting the Scouting program.
- Registration of units and council personnel.
- Providing facilities and leadership for a year-round outdoor
program, including summer camp. - Offering training in a timely manner.
Our Scouting District: Chisholm Trail
A Scouting District is a geographical area within the local council, as determined by the council executive board. The District for Troop 1000 is the Chisholm Trail District. Webelo Scouts may cross District lines in Plano (or the surrounding cities) to join the Boy Scout Troop of their choice.
District leaders mobilize resources to ensure the growth and success of Scouting Units within the District’s territory. The Council provides our District with a District Executive who is a paid Scouter and helps coordinate the District’s activities.
Chisholm Trail District has a District Committee composed of key volunteer Scouters. Several of the District Committee members are current or former Troop 1000 adult volunteers. This committee does not make policy, but rather works with and through the Cub Packs and Scout Troops to assure their success. Our District Committee does this by forming a number of sub-committees, comprised of adult volunteers, each specializing in an area of concern, such as: