Summary of Scout Fees and Dues *Updated January 2025
- National fee: $85 per year paid directly to BSA National.
- Includes BSA Transfer/Registration Fees
- Joining fee: $100 paid one time upon joining Troop. (New Scouts do not pay the Troop semi-annual Membership fee that falls within the semester that they joined the troop.)
- Joining Packet :
– Troop T-Shirt
– Troop Hat
– Neckerchief and Slide
– T1000 Shoulder Patch
– Patrol Patch
– Green Epaulets
– BSA Handbook
- Joining Packet :
- Membership fee: $90 paid twice a year (March and October) via Troop Store, Zelle (to or check.
- Troop Store: All Troop fees, dues, and program costs can be resolved on our Troop Store site
Joining and Membership Fees *Updated March 2024
Each new parent or prospective parent will receive a copy of the Troop’s current schedule of Membership fees.
2024 Policy:
Existing Scouts: As of April 2024, BSA National will assess a direct fee of $85 per scout per year starting in 2024. Families will receive an email from National 60 days before their Joining date to remind them of their upcoming payment. Scouts who have not paid their National fee within 60 days after their notice will not be allowed to participate in troop activities until the situation is rectified.
Troop membership fee is $90 on a semi-annual basis, March and October, in order to cover the Troop’s expenses in support of the program. Troop 1000 is a non-profit organization. All fees are used for program purposes.
Webelos and New Scouts, a $100 Joining fee paid directly to the troop to cover hat, t-shirt, neckerchief, slide, other uniform elements and patches, and Scout handbook. The remaining $85 is paid directly to BSA National as part of your National membership dues via New Scouts do not pay the semi-annual Troop membership fee upon joining. Their first dues will be assessed at the dues-date that occurs during the following semester.
For example: New Scout joins in Spring, pays $85 National fee and $100 Troop Joining fee. Troop Membership fee of $90 is assessed during Fall semester of that same year. The next National fee is paid at the Scout’s join date the following Spring along with the full $90 Troop Membership fee. Please contact our Troop Treasurer if you have any questions
Registered Adults: As of April 2024, BSA National will assess a direct fee of $65 per registered adult per year starting in 2024. An email will be sent 60 days before your due date. Adults who have not paid this fee and completed the necessary training (YPT) will not be allowed to participate in Troop activities.
Effective April 1, 2024, the BSA will eliminate the $25 one-time joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting. Additionally, the BSA will implement the following national membership fees, which were approved by the National Executive Committee:
- $85/yr for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting participants ($5 increase)
- $65/yr for all registered adult volunteers ($5 increase)
- $25/yr for Merit Badge Counselors (No change in fee. This fee is for Merit Badge Counselors who are not already registered volunteers)
- $15/yr for Scout Life magazine (No change in fee)
Camp-Out and Activity Costs
Troop 1000 schedules many camp-outs a year for weekend trips and week-long excursions. These camp-outs have costs associated with food, gas, and camping fees. Usually in the range of $25-50 depending on activity or distance. Some activities within the camp-out itself may have an extra fee included. Please see the Signup Sunday page for more information.
Fundraising and Scout “Bin” Accounts
The Troop Committee sponsors and Scouts and parents assist with Troop-level fundraisers like Rotary Flags. The funds from these activities are earmarked for various Troop expenses such as covering campouts, training fees, or transportation costs. The Troop committee will vote on how funds are to be used. Additional fundraisers for these and other purposes may be proposed and executed from time to time.
Council sponsored fundraising, such as Popcorn and Camp Card sales, and other Troop sponsored programs, such as Greenery sales, may be available and encouraged for Scouts to participate in, either individually or as part of organized sales opportunities at specific locations. The profits from these sales go directly into individual Scout accounts, called “Bin” accounts, based on the sales or contributions of the participating Scouts. The Troop keeps no share of these proceeds. Scouts can use these funds for their Campout or Summer Camp expenses as explained below. Participation by the Scouts in these fundraising activities is strictly voluntary.
These individual “Bin” accounts are so named because years ago (before Plano sponsored recycling) our Troop collected and sold scrap newspaper placed in numerous large “bins” which were weighed and the contents purchased, with the resulting funds distributed proportionately to the Scouts who contributed to these collections. Now the name remains for our individual Troop sales efforts even though city recycling have brought an end to the Troop’s newspaper collecting days.
The money in Scout “Bin” accounts is available for a Scout to use for Scouting related expenses, specifically Camping costs, unless otherwise approved by the Scoutmaster, but may not be refunded if unused once a Scout is no longer a registered Scout in the Troop. (However, remaining money may be transferred within a family to a sibling Troop member.)
Troop 1000 has Scout Accounts to:
- Encourage greater participation in fundraising activities, and make them profitable;
- Acknowledge the effort of those Scouts who participate in fundraising activities;
- Provide opportunities to reduce the financial burden of Scouting expenses on families;
- Provide opportunities for a Scout to develop money management skills and to help pay for his Scouting experience while supporting his Troop and the BSA.
Whose money is it?
Until a Scout submits a request for credit or reimbursement as described below, the money belongs to the Troop.
How do Scouts earn money for their Bin Account?
When Scouts participate in Troop fundraising activities, like the popcorn and greenery sales all or a portion of the profits the Troop receives from those sales may be credited to their Bin Account.
The percentage or other fair formula for crediting will vary depending on the nature of the fundraiser and what the Troop’s finances look like at the time, but in every case the Troop will explain those requirements in advance of each fundraiser. Most importantly, the amount a Scout can earn will relate to the effort he puts in – the number of sales made, the number of hours worked, or some similar measure.
What can Scouts spend their Bin Account money on?
Bin Account money can be used for camping-related expenses that are paid directly to the Troop. This includes fees for summer camp, monthly outings, and high-adventure activity fees. In addition, Scouts can use their Bin Account money to offset costs associated with their Eagle Court of Honor celebrations. (You will need to submit receipts to do this.)
Scout Accounts cannot be used for other expenses, like camping equipment, uniforms, merit badge books, snacks at Summer Camp, or other expenses without approval from the Scoutmaster.
How will Scouts know how much they have in their Accounts?
Twice a year Scouts receive an account summary. If a Scout loses track of the balance available, he can ask the Troop Treasurer for an update.
How do Scouts spend their Account?
When submitting a Camping or event permission slip, please indicate on the form how much of the Scout’s Bin Account is to be used toward that expense. You may also use the forms included with this Family Guide as a “check” drawn on that account (and attach it to the Permission Slip).
If the Scoutmaster approved expense is not for a campout or event, you may fill out, sign, and date a Bin Account Check and turn it in to the Troop Adult Treasurer, who will credit the payment and adjust the Scout Account balance. If a Scout requests reimbursement for payment made directly to a non-Troop Scouting entity or for Eagle COH expenses, provide receipts with your request.
What happens to the money if you quit or graduate from Scouts and still have funds in the Scout Account?
A Scout must use his Scout Bin Account funds while he is an active, registered Scout (and before turning 18). Any funds remaining in a Scout Account after a Scout’s registration in Troop 1000 expires (for Troop 1000, December 31st of each year) will be returned back to general Troop funds.
Can the Scout Account be transferred to someone else, or to another Troop?
All or a portion of a Scout Account can be transferred to the account of an immediate family member who is also an active, registered member of the Troop. If a Scout transfers to a new Troop that has a Scout Account program, the Scout can request the Troop Committee to consider transferring the balance once the Treasurer is provided with the new Troop’s contact information and the new Troop is confirmed as having tax-exempt status. Otherwise, any remaining funds will be forfeited at the end of the registration year and returned to general Troop funds.