On behalf of the Scouts and Scouters (Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters and Troop Committee) of Troop 1000, we welcome your family to our organization, and will do all that we can to help make your son’s Scouting experience the best that it can be. Prospective families: The Troop Family Guide has most …
Permanent link to this article: https://t1000.org/welcome-to-t1000
February Campout
Hiking at Camp James RayFebruary 15-16, 2025 *One Night Only!The best way to learn about a troop is to go camping with them.Here’s an opportunity to get away from the trailer for a night. Join the troop on a 5-mile hike through the Primitive side of Camp James Ray. Learn hiking skills, packing tips, backpacker …
Permanent link to this article: https://t1000.org/campout
Summer Camp 2025 – Gorham Scout Ranch, New Mexico
https://t1000.org/long-term-camps#SCLatest info on Troop 1000’s Summer Camp excursions.Located on 2,650 acres of high-desert beauty in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New Mexico. in addition to being a nationally accredited camp (NCAP). The rolling hills of piñon, ponderosa, and juniper will captivate the mind and enchant the spirit.Somewhere, someplace, sometime in the maze of schedules, the …
Permanent link to this article: https://t1000.org/summer-camp-2
Troop Long Term CampingAn overnight adventure awaits you when you stay the night aboard USS Lexington, a mighty, record-setting World War II aircraft carrier-turned museum located on Corpus Christi Bay. You’ll hear stories from the ship’s illustrious past—covering topics like kamikaze and torpedo attacks, the manpower it takes to navigate an aircraft carrier, and …
Permanent link to this article: https://t1000.org/spring-break-2023
Court of Honor: December 2024
Advancement is the process by which youth members of the Boy Scouts of America progress from rank to rank in the Scouting program. Advancement is simply ameans to an end, not an end in itself. Everything done to advance and earn these ranks, from joining until leaving the program, should be designed to help the …
Permanent link to this article: https://t1000.org/court-of-honor-dec-2023
2025 Program
Troop 1000 has another fun year planned with some not-so-common ideas to pursue this year.Plus a complete Trail-To-First Class program designed to earn Scout Rank by Summer and First Class rank in 12-18 months. New Scouts can contact our Webelos liaison Sara Leslie for more information. saralleslie@yahoo.comFor more information about camping with Troop 1000 visit: …
Permanent link to this article: https://t1000.org/2025-program
Troop Store is now openDeposit links and payment schedule is now Live!High Adventure
Permanent link to this article: https://t1000.org/new-topic-high-adventure
Winter Camp 2024- Dec 27-31 @ TRJ
Circle Ten Council’s annual Winter Camp at Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Camp is a special jamboree-style camping event for Boy Scout troops, Venturing Crews and Sea Scout Ships. It traditionally has been the largest annual event put on by Circle Ten Council and is staffed by Circle Ten’s Mikanakawa Lodge of the Order of the Arrow.Winter …
Permanent link to this article: https://t1000.org/winter-camp
Three Rank Circus – September 27-29, 2024
(formerly Trail to Troops, formerly Webelos Woods)An all-new event is coming for AOLs, Webelos, and Bears. Trail to Troops Three Rank Circus is a retention-focused event designed to show older Cubs what Scouting BSA is all about. Sort of like Cub-O-Ree but just for AOLs, Webelos, and Bears. Oh, My!The inaugural theme is BIG TOP.This …
Permanent link to this article: https://t1000.org/trail-to-troops-september-27-29-2024
Troop 1000 Eagle Scouts – 2023
Troop 1000 is proud to extend a hearty Congratulations and a WEY-HEY! to our 2023 Eagle Candidates. May many more follow in your footsteps. Theo Smeltzer Haroon Tondaladinne Jeffery John Samuel Sherrod Matthew Farrell Tucker McDonald February 9, 2023 March 28, 2023 September 21, 2023 December …
Permanent link to this article: https://t1000.org/troop-1000-eagle-scouts-2023