Winter Camp 2024- Dec 27-31 @ TRJ

Circle Ten Council’s annual Winter Camp at Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Camp is a special jamboree-style camping event for Boy Scout troops, Venturing Crews and Sea Scout Ships. It traditionally has been the largest annual event put on by Circle Ten Council and is staffed by Circle Ten’s Mikanakawa Lodge of the Order of the Arrow.

Winter Camp is more of a Jamboree style event. There will be some merit badges offered, but there are more centers of activities for Scouts to learn and participate beyond merit badge studies.

Units camp jamboree style with multiple units in a single campsite. There will be fewer units
sharing camp sites as social distancing rules are in place this year that is reducing the number
of participants and units that can register. The chance to make new friends from outside your
immediate Scouting circle is one of the key rewards. Food is prepared by each unit in their
campsites (with the exception of the optional closing night BBQ).

Each morning, Scouts can work on merit badges, take part in special living history programs in
the Mountain Man, Indian Village and Lumberjack areas or learn new program skills.
Afternoons offer a wide-range of activities for Scouts and Scouters including competitive games,
shooting sports, climbing, activities in the living history areas, horseback riding, wood-turning and more!
Evenings include special events like a Native American Pow Wow, Cowboy Action Shoot
competition, and Star Watch parties or just relaxing in the campsite around the campfire.

Please note: Some Merit Badges and other activities have extra fees to cover the cost of materials.
Life of an Extreme Mountain Man (all-day program)  $20 (sign up on permission form)
Life of a Mountain Man (all-day program)  $17
(sign up on permission form)
Woodturning / Pen Making $10 (sign up on permission form)
Rifle or Shotgun Tickets $0.50 – $1.00 (on-site)
Cowboy Shooting (requires signed Parental release form in Leader Guide) $3 per practice round (on-site)
Horseback Riding Ticket $15 (on-site)
Afternoon horseback riding is offered first-come, first-served and is not available for early registration. Scouts signed up for the horsemanship MB will have riding time during their class.

All Winter Camp attendees must be a currently registered Scout or Scouter in a Scouts
BSA troop, Venturing crew or Sea Scout ship!

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