Greetings Troop 1000 families. We have some big news for the troop. The Richardson Rotary has tapped Troop 1000 to help with their flag fundraiser. Citizens subscribe for their Holiday Flag program. Five times a year, American flags are planted at subscribers homes. (President’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day/9-11, and Veteran’s Day). …
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February Archery Day
In February, we will be extending the Shooting Sports theme a bit longer with an Archery merit badge completion day.On Saturday, February 10, 2024 the troop has been invited to a personalized shooting session at Texas Archery Academy Indoor Range, 18325 Waterview Pkwy, B102 Dallas, TX, 75252Please enter from the Waterview side of the parking lot …
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Winter Camp Load-in
Winter Camp 2024- Dec 27-31 @ TRJ December 26 at 10:30 am at RLC parking lot.Bring all your gear needed for Winter Camp. This should include all clothing you intend to wear that week, your sleeping system, and any other items to keep you comfortable. We will distribute tents and assign tent mates that …
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When last we left our intrepid Scouts…Boy. it’s been awhile. Here we are already at July and we haven’t found them yet.Visit our Facebook Pages for more.Spring Break Trooporee Summer Camp See you on the next Campout! Be glad you did not say “I cannot go”.Want more pictures? We’ll give you pictures … …
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Summer Camp Merit Badge Signups
Use our Google Form to fill out your Summer Camp merit badges ASAP. This also has information about other activities at Camp A including the White Water River Rafting tour.
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Take me out to Ball Game!
Troop 1000 is going to a baseball game. On April 23rd, 4:05pm at Riders Field in Frisco, Troop 1000 will join the crowd to watch the Rough Riders take on the Arkansas Travelers. We have a group ticket special so we are all in the same section – Section 112 right behind home plate. Each …
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Announcing our new Troop Store!
At long last we have our own Troop e-commerce site. We will start moving away from just PayPal links and add all Campouts, Troop Fees, Patrol Dues, and the Clothes Closet items to this page. The great thing is this will assist you and us with tracking your payments and ensure that you signed up …
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WARFA Volunteers needed
The Wilderness First Aid (WFA) Training is a 16-hour, hands-on course to give adult leaders the experience needed to handle illness and injury when medical care is more than an hour away. When paired with CPR/AED certifications, leaders are well prepared to deal with emergencies and routine medical issues that may occur on an outdoor …
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New Scouts looking for Gear?
Set up an account at Hiker Direct ! Great deals on all gear exclusively for Scouts. The Hiker Direct Refer-A-Friend program gives a $5 credit to you and to your friend. WIN-WIN! Create a new account and include: name: Chris Sherrod (Troop Committee Chair)email: t1000.plano@gmailin the account information signup. You will automatically receive a …
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November Court of Honor
November 14, 2022 is our next Troop Court of Honor. This will be our Family Night event with a troop-wide potluck heading into the Thanksgiving break. We encourage all troop families to come and celebrate another fine year of One Grand Troop.There will be a presentation of next years’ program activities as well as a …
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